The random babblings of someone with way too much time on their hands...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Why Are Titles So Hard Sometimes?

If I do not acknowledge the Monday...The Monday can not acknowledge me...Unfortunately as wonderful as that statement sounds it is sadly very untrue...The Monday still acknowledged me ): Wasn't a bad day work...Pretty fun actually (: Had the Rush brothers working in front of me...God they are funny (: And Cody should be so very proud of me...I was actually making an effort to talk to Kyle...And it was polite talk too (:

Gah I think there should be a rule where whatever you do drunk should be discussed for no longer than a week after the fact...Yes I made out with Cameron...Yes I was dancing a little suggestively...Yes I shot down his "Can we root?" text with a "Not tonight"...No I don't need to be reminded constantly about it...Ok, thanks (: I guess that will teach me to hang with Jason downtown...I swear there are no secrets in that place...Every little thing I do/say is noticed and then repeated until the whole room knows...I don't know if I should be pleased that they actually listen or disturbed that they pay that much attention to me...Am I really that fascinating? I mean yeh I have a pretty amazing if not bizarre repertoire of facial expressions...But does that really mean that I should be constantly monitored?

It is oh so very nice to finish at lunch time (: Got to have a nap!! YAY!! I know I am old what of it? I love naps (: Best thing ever after a snuggy (: Thanks dad, you know how to get my love...Spent the whole weekend in it, onlt to discover it got chocolate on it ): Such a slob I am...What can I say? I like to chill on my weekends...No make-up, sweatpants, hoodie, uggies, snuggy, munchies and a good book pretty sure that combination makes for a pretty fucking epic chill session (:

Last official day of Autumn...Hmmm now maybe people won't correct me when I am really starting to dislike Winter...Which is totally weird cause it used to be my favourite season...I guess getting up at 4:30 every morning for work has had an adverse effect on my fondness for winter...

On a totally unrelated and random note...Rocked out to 90's tunes in the car today...God how I have missed them...Greatest period of music...Hmmmm maybe not...The 80's were pretty epic too (:

And another random thought...The book Mick gave me to read is excellent...I was a bit doubtful...I mean it is an Australian author (Yes I know how very unpatriotic of me..Bad, Bronwyn) But wow...There is one part where they type "Nikola Tesla Project Piggie" and this phrase gets the NSA after them...I want to type it in and see what happens...If the NSA picks it up my screen should go black and then turn back on...As if it experienced a power surge...And then my car should be bombed a couple of days later (: BRB

Ok typed it in...Nothing...What a let down...Yet another book that lies LMFAO (: But I have decided that Nikola Tesla is my favourite inventor of all time (:

Well I think that is enough prattling for today...Until tomorrow...

I had an idea...At the end of each blog now I am going to write a quirky little fact (:

Today's fact is a scumbag is a used condom...Kinda makes sense..In a gross way...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lazy Sunday (:

Sunday =.= Weekend, why are you so short? Can't wait till the next long weekend...Ditched the sister today...So much for "Yeh, yeh I want to spend the week with you guys..." Oh well I guess once ungrateful, always ungrateful...At least I have learnt my lesson...Don't trust the words of a drop-out...Apart from driving spent the day in my snuggy watching movies...Gotta love lazy sundays...One day I will spend the whole weekend in bed, watching movies...I will have to get Cody to make me a list of ones I have to watch...Sadly my movie watching is sadly lacking...But my reading list, now that goes on for miles (:

I have come to the conclusion that all drivers annoy me...Not only female ones...Specially crazy truck drivers and people in four wheel drives...Getting all up in my grills...Seriously fuck off! I am doing the speed limit so don't even think about tailgating me...Whoops! My foot accidently slipped and I stomped on the brakes...Hard...What is a little whiplash between tailgater and tailgatee?? Tad bit violent maybe?? Well I guess you get that...

Had a D&M with mum on the drive back...Apparently I have balls...Big balls...Big black balls...How so? I say what I want to who I want...I have no hidden agenda, what you see is what you get...I guess that is why dad's parents "Don't hate you, just dislike your behaviour." Well you see I am sorry I am my own person and not some mindless sheep for you to control...Also sorry I was born with a spine but not a penis...So terrible of me...

On another note mum is proud that if I want something I will work to get it, I won't just hold my hand out and expect someone to give it to me on a silver platter...What can I say I have ethics...I can't stand girls like that...Gold diggers and the such...So not cool, because seriously who wants to rely on others? Not me that is for sure...My sister...Yeh she will do that...Grade A suck up...

Ohmigosh so proud...Drove the Niva today (For all those you don't know what a Niva is...So that is like all of you...Google it (: ) No power steering, drum brakes, heavy on her feet and a four wheel drive...Totally different from Stewie...Power steering, super light and a tiny little hatchback (: Felt so hardocre driving it...Respect me bitches I have a bullbar (: So now I know I can drive anything (: Expect maybe a truck....OHMYGOD! I almost ran over a dog today on Stenner Street...So glad I stopped in time....Yeh I know that is kinda bad stopping to avoid an animal but if you think I am going to run over it, think again...He was a really cute dog...If only mum would let me have one...

Kinda felt a little bit offended today...Grahame was a little bit worried about the language I use...So worried infact that he was a little bit concerned about letting his kids met me...Seriously dude I have a kid brother...Of course I know how to tone down the swearing...But maybe before you worry about my language ou should worry about the kind of movies you let your children watch...Seriously...

Ewww work tomorrow...Yay can't frelling wait...Going to be so awesome starting at 5:30....Thanks George totally appreciate bud...But hopefully lunch time finish...Ooooh yeah...Then housework...Fun stuff...

Anyway I think it is time for din dins...I think a burger would be nice right about now...Until tomorrow...

Friday, May 28, 2010

You frightened it off with your stupid hat...

Absolutely love waking up to the sound of rain...Best sound there ever is...Lunch with the twins and Ana today...Love the nachos at Loot (: But I really think I should be banned from eating in public...Or maybe I should stop wearing white shirts...They seem to attract food ): Was good seeing Kelly and Kylie again...They are still short as LOL...Kinda made me feel like a hulking great giant ): Ohmigosh had a little bit of an embarrassing moment today...Walking and talking at the same time (Shocked?? I am...I CAN actually multitask...At least for a little while anyway) and we came to the escalators and I walked to the top of the one that goes up and went to walk down and this fella was laughing at me and I was like FML LOL...So yeh prolly not the best explaination but I think you get the gist of it...If not oh well you had to be there I guess...

Ewwwww saw fish lips today....Was so ewwwww....Makes me feel a little bit ill to my stomach...That reminds me of the conversation we had at lunch....Lots of girls my age, girls we went to school with are either pregnant, engaged or already have at least one child already...Makes me feel like I am destined to end up alone...Even Ray said so once...Technically not alone, I will have 13 cats...All called Charlie (: Girl's gotta have ambitions...

Oooooh I really love female drivers....So intellegent...I mean why are there indicators in cars?? She doesn't need to use them she is Indian...Golly gosh she made me angry...Seriously I wonder how some people get their license... I guess a little sucky sucky pays off...Also lots of people stare at Stewie (My car (: Yes he has a name...Yes he is a he...What of it?? Run at me) He is totally cute as with his pink bits...So girly (: I'm loving it....

Actually that reminds me of something someone said to me once...He was saying how back in the heyday when he was younger he used his car to get the ladies...Then he said I should be a guy magnet now (Hmmmmm does that mean I was not before...I think that damaged my ego a little bit...) Because I have a little girly car with pink bits and a P plate...What can I say I know how to attract the males LMFAO...One day I will be arrested for possession of weapons of mass distraction hehehe....Totally modest I am (:

Anyway I think I have blahed enough about nothing for long enough, so until tomorrow...

Jeez I am really hungry now...(:

Okies really, until tomorrow....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank God it is Friday

It is Friday! YAY! (: What a week at work...No Jason...): So quiet without him lol...At least I still have Cody to dedicate songs to me and vice versa (: Had the best day today though, except I think I am over thinking it...Maybe I should just break the rule and just go for it...I mean why not? Except for the fact that it would complicate a whole bunch of things I want to stay uncomplicated. But at least I would be happy...If only before reality sets in...Had a D&M with Cody today (: I think it is becoming a thing...Third D&M in a week...Mostly about the "Game" and my "Fear"...Both if which I have explained to Cody....Maybe I should just have a little bit of a tipple (: Might help me sort through all the grey gunk in my head (:

Really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow...Really keen on walking to lunch tomorrow with my girlies (: I know kind of lame to get so excoted about lunch...Well what can I say? I get excited really easy...Part of my charm I think...Just like my random weirdness (:

Ohmigosh! Had a little bit of a stalker moment today (: Decided hmmm why not go and see if my ex is catching the bus today...So I stalked the bus route from Clifford Garden's....Not really sure why I did, but I did...What of it? Run at me...When I truly think about and when I am honest...Like totally honest with myself....Which I totally hate by the way (Ask Cody)...I miss the times we had...But ohwell now I am a free bitch...For now anyways....

Oooh back to work I forgot to mention we have a really cute guy there now *blushes* And he worked in front of me today *drools* Oh God I sound like a 12 year old "Like there is this totally hot guy and like he looked at me and I was like "like you know whatever" but I was totally like OMG'ing on the inside" But seriously he is a bit of a stud muffin (: Oh and the perveted boss was staring at my arse...Again...But I have a plan (: Monday I am going to rock baggy-arse sweatpants and one of my giant man sized flannies...Hmmmmm still think I'm a sexy piece of arse Shane?? Delightful, aren't I? Or as Robert likes to inform me innocent....My simple pot smoking friend...One day you will get a shock...So will everyone at work (: Should not underestimate little ol' me (:

Went for a walk (: Can't have me getting fat now can we? (: So yeh I was like hmmm no one will see me so I can scum it....Big arse flanno, skinny jeans, flat boots, no makeup...And I get a text from Micheal asking why I was walking...FML...

Well I think that is enough of my rambles (: Until tomorrow...
Day three (: This is turning into a habit...Was raging so bad at work today...Stupid Sarge...Yes I do know that we wash our hands with soap, and no I will not hang the birds when there is no workers in the room...You make me want to cut on you...

Anyway moving on from my murderous rage...First big solo drive (: Think I may have been caught by a speed camera...Oh and I swear P platers are the world's worst drivers (myself excluded naturally) this one woman driver was driving so very slow and this man in the ute was tailgating, beeping is horn and reving his engine (: It was quite hilarious...Then later one she tried to change lanes and almost drove into the side of a truck...I mean a truck for God's sake...Open your eyes you silly bitch (:

My beloved sister is up for the week (: Yay! I miss her ):

Anyhoo I think that is all I want to blah about...Friday tomorrow thank goodness....So very tired ):

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

COD Shits All Over WOW

What a day! Lots of chicken and lots of bizarre conversations and facial expressions (: I got asked to a speed dating night. Seriously dude, WTF? Who takes a girl to speed dating, kinda screams out "Hey, if you turn out bad I can always pick up another one" So totally over starting at 5:30am...So tired, constantly...

Ooooh had the chiro today...You know you can say FML with conviction when your chiropractor tells you you need to relax...FML...So I guess it has helped me come to the realisation that I am going to stop saying no and I am going to say yes...Within reason...And only if I really want to spend time with that person...Otherwise it is the good ol' "I have to wash my hair" excuse (:

And just because I can...COD is way better than WOW...I know this for a fact, not only having played both but being second to WOW. TOTALLY DEVO ): Anyway back to the point of this badly formed paragraph...WOW is for losers who want to be elves and talk to dwarves...Hence the term WOWfag...Whereas COD players are legendary...I mean they are totally epic...Also less anti-social than WOW...WOW has a nasty little stigma...When I say WOW player, what do you instantly think of? That's right, a 40 year old virgin who lives in his mothers basement...

Well now that I have just typed a random bunch of paragraphs I shall say until tomorrow...Maybe...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hmmm, well here goes nothing (:

So, I figured why not everyone else seems to be writing their daily activities on the interwebs so why not jump upon the band wagon? I am not even going to let the fact that I am quite uninteresting stop me (:

Well, let me see now...A little about me...19...Random...Totally in love with all things nerdy...Science geek...Animal lover...Fiesty...Drunk...Crazy (: Well I think you get the gist (:

Kinda getting over these early starts, I figure if the sun is not up why should I be, right? Right. Oh well monies in my pocket (: First day without Jason and I have to say it was sadly lacking not having my eye candy there LMFAO, oh well I still have Cody (: They make my day, even if every joke they make seems to be at my expense and they call me chipmunk =.= Kinda cute actually, makes me all warm and fuzzy knowing they have given me a cute little nickname (:

Apart from having a minor brain aneurysm that resulted in an uncontrollable laughing fit that may or may not have ended in a little bit of drooling, it was mostly a dull day made duller by the crappy weather. Crappy weather that I kinda really like. Perfect weather for staying in bed all day. Not so perfect for working ):

They say keep it short and sweet....So until tomorrow...Maybe (: